Ann Jevens Smallwares Ltd
I participated in the Going for Growth in 2010 and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Going for Growth provides an ideal platform for women in business wishing to expand their business to bring it to the next level. While the type of businesses represented by the participants varied enormously, the focus, drive and initiative was clearly evident across the sectors, creating a lot of common ground for practical and open discussions while also giving opportunities to exchange experiences. I was delighted that through this event, we were also able to find additional customers and suppliers. The Going for Growth programme is an excellent course and a wonderful resource for women in business. I couldnt recommend it highly enough.
Ann Marie Durkin Shasta Ltd
Going for Growth provides an ideal platform for women in business wishing to expand their business to bring it to the next level. Going for Growth is an excellent programme and a wonderful resource for women in business. I couldnt recommend it highly enough.
Anna Gunning The Laser and Skin Clinic
Going for Growth was a fantastic opportunity to meet successful women in business and discuss daily challenges with their individual businesses and work out solutions to best run and succeed in a difficult economic climate.
Anne Roche Roches Hair Solutions Ltd
Going for Growth creates the perfect environment to focus on moving your business forward. Led by a successful entrepreneur who was more than willing to share her invaluable experience and insight to a group of intelligent, creative, innovative and dynamic women who are focused and committed to developing their own businesses that kind of environment cannot fail to motivate and stimulate me and above all produce real results. The result is that we now offer our complete wig fitting service in ARC Cancer Support Centres in Eccles St and SCR and we have diversified into a related field within the cancer world, having just opened a breast prosthesis fitting service for cancer patients. My vision of having a one stop cancer shop for patients dealing with all the appearance related side effects of treatment has become a reality. And all that planning while on maternity leave!
I found Continuing the Momentum very useful because I run a small company and do not have many senior management to bounce my ideas off so it provides this for me. It also forces me to get all my ideas out of my head and onto paper to organise, structure and prioritise them. To present these ideas along with the overall story of the business to a group of fellow women entrepreneurs for their comments and feedback results in a set of realistic and timed goals and objectives. A strategic plan in effect.
Attracta Burke Premium Distribution
I joined the Going for Growth Program in 2010 and found the group sessions, led by Amanda Pratt, a really useful forum for discussing relevant business issues. It was great to bounce ideas around with other like-mind business people and of course to have access to the expertise of Amanda.
Bernie Everard Re-imagine Signage Solutions
I would strongly recommend the Going for Growth programme to every woman serious about growing their business. I found the experiences of other group members and the Lead Entrepreneur invaluable and have learned so much from them.
Ceara McNeela Asgard Industrial Systems Ltd
I want to thank you so much for allowing me to be part of this wonderful group. It has done so much for me and my business. Apart from giving me the time to think about my business it was helped me look at it in a much different light. Since joining the group and as a direct result of the group discussions we have implemented a board of directors, we have submitted an application for an Enterprise Grant, we have been selected for the Enterprise Ireland first flight scheme and now have a mentor. Initially we were only looking to the UK market but as a result of the group and particularly Elaines influence of thinking big and looking at market size, we are now looking to bring our product to the European market. Thank you for this super opportunity!
Ciara Crossan
Going for Growth is one of the best programmes I have been on to date in my business career. The quality of the other female entrepreneurs and of course the Leads is exceptional. Our monthly meetings were always something to look forward to and work towards. They were a challenge, but we all were able to give each other ideas, suggestions and feedback. The support from the group is fantastic and I have made friends and great contacts out of it. It is run extremely well and I would recommend it to any female entrepreneur looking to grow their business and learn from their peers and more seasoned business women.
Claire Burge Simplify Learning
The entire six month programme has provided insight, perspective and focus to my business, as is evident in my bottom line. The connections I have made are ones that I will nurture and maintain going forward.
Fiona Fitzsimons Eneclann Ltd
Through Going for Growth I met other like-minded women, who took great enjoyment in being entrepreneurs, and were serious and focused about their businesses.
Fleur Creed Genesis Business College
I found the Going for Growth Programme to be a positive experience. It helped me focus on the overall strategic direction of the company. Our Lead Entrepreneur was excellent; she was very sharp with an admirable depth of experience, which we all benefited from.
Grace Fields Motivation Weight Management
I found the programme to be hugely beneficial to my business. It helped me to focus on the key aspects of my business and I found the advice I received from Anne, my lead entrepreneur to be invaluable. It was a great opportunity to take a step back from the day to day activities of the business and focus on where I want to bring the business and how I can do so. I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to do this programme and I would recommend it to anyone interested in growing their business.
Kathy ODwyer Career Training (Internship Placements)
This is a very good programme for experienced entrepreneurs. It provided an opportunity to take stock and evaluate their business in a safe environment. It was run in a very professional manner without pressure. I attended every session because of the value I placed on the programme!
Liz Waters Malones of Dublin
I found the Going for Growth sessions to be a very positive experience. It is a bit cliched, I know, but it can be lonely running your own business and often there is not the management depth in an SME to have the type of business discussions that the Going for Growth programme offers. All the participants bring their varying experiences to the table and regardless of the type of business, there is a huge commonality of problems and issues which lends itself to lively discussion and interesting outcomes. I would say to any future candidate Grab it if you can.
Lynda Booth Dublin Cookery School
Participation in Going for Growth came at a very pertinent time for me personally. As a woman in business on my own, I struggle with so many aspects of how to deal with crises, how to manage staff and how to expand my business. I have found the programme enormously beneficial. I think I learnt the discipline of not only ensuring that the immediate tasks are dealt with but also the discipline of not sidelining more long term issues. I now feel more empowered and much more in control of what I need to do, more able to manage, and am now focused on a new strategy which will help me to drive my business forward.
Martina Henry KoKo Latte
The Going for Growth programme was an invaluable experience for me and my business as it has served to focus my attention on making practical changes to the business to improve turnover, and ultimately the bottom line. Its biggest benefit was perhaps on a personal level in that it provided a confidential environment in which to share problems related to running my own business, and to find solutions amongst like-minded business women who get the issues I face and who can both sympathise and offer alternative perspectives from which to approach the problem and move forward in a more positive manner. I would recommend the programme to any female entrepreneur who has an underlying belief in their business but currently feels a bit lost in how to reach their goals, or who needs a knowledgeable and understanding spectrum of opinion and experience with whom to share ideas and problems.
Mary McArdle Carlingford Adventure Centre
This programme was a wonderful opportunity to meet with interesting and dynamic women. Our Lead Entrepreneur, Amanda, was a wonderful model of how to operate in a successful family business. Thank you
Mary Rodgers Stateside Solutions
The Group sessions are an invaluable tool that allows you to objectively reflect on your business, the feedback of the group and the guidance and knowledge of Lulu provided a real open and confidential forum in which I was able to trash out all aspects of my business and implement concrete changes that have had a direct positive effect on Stateside.
Mary Ryan Product Innovator Ltd
Going for Growth has been very beneficial for my business. With the varied experience in the group, the discussion forums have proven very valuable for discussing issues in a confidential setting. Its great to build a network of like-minded female entrepreneurs who are leading by example and Just Doing It!
Morgan Pierce BodySmart Ltd
The Going for Growth programme presented me with a valuable opportunity to share my current challenges and aspirations for growth with a group of women in similar circumstances. I used the monthly meetings to garner valuable feedback that I then used to improve my prospects for growth and commercialisation. I found the monthly meetings of significant benefit and highly informational, and I look forward to keeping in contact with the other entrepreneurs and the development of their businesses. I highly recommend the programme to female entrepreneurs who are facing the challenges of managing and growing a business, and who would benefit from being part of a group of women with similar issues.
Moya OBrien ICEP Europe
I found it very helpful to meet with similar minded women who were experiencing the same challenges in growing a business. The questions posed by the group leader were thought provoking and helped to clarify strategy and direction for growth. Taking time out from a business to reflect and plan for the future was very helpful. I found the sessions very stimulating and it helped me renew my enthusiasm for business.
Patricia Lawler Scope Clinical Research
I found the Going for Growth programme invaluable and over the six months have formed a close bond with the other members. We have decided to continue to meet once a quarter for a review of where we are and discussion. The sessions were informative, lively and sometimes emotional but at the end everyone left with more knowledge and contacts then when they arrived. I run a business on my own so I found the input of the mentor and the other members invaluable.
Patricia OMahony Connect Promotions
I have just completed the Going for Growth programme that was held in Waterford. For me the best part of the programme was being able to stand back from my business to take stock of it and being able to share ideas/information with like minded business women. The agenda was very appropriate for all sized businesses and included very practical topics including some challenging questions e.g Why am I in Business? I now have some ideas to work on that will enable me to grow my business.
Rosie Boles Burgess of Athlone
Through Going for Growth I have met great women whose business experiences have been similar in many aspects to my own, although they are coming from very different sectors. Their passion/determination for business equals mine some of whom are real adventurers this has been a great learning & sharing experience. Being CEO of any business can be lonesome taking time out of the business to look at the business, the sharing of visions for the future in a confidential environment, with business people whose opinions I respect, has been very valuable. It shored up confidence in what is right about my business and gave me insight to improvements. Thanks for the invitation to participate in Going for Growth.
Sharyn Mitchell Another Avenue
I really enjoyed the Going for Growth programme. I thought it was a really great way to see how other business differ from each other in their approach. Overall the course was fantastic; it was great to meet the different people on the course. A lot of work, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone thinking about growing their business.
Sheena Clohessy I-CANDO
Going for Growth provides a network of business women who share similar challenges and are prepared to share their experience and advice. I would recommend it to anyone who is preparing for growth in their business.
Siobhan Warde Star Stories
Going for Growth has been a fantastic programme which I have enjoyed over the past 6 months. To meet with a group once per month and discuss what has happened over the past month has been great, along with discussing problems and finding solutions with like minded individuals. It was great to discover I was not alone.
Sue ONeill iQ Technologies
The Going for Growth programme is a fantastic way for any company to focus on the growth of their business in an environment that challenges your ideas whilst offering you support through a group of like minded individuals- certainly not just another womens group
Tricia Balfe Nomos Software
Going for Growth provided an excellent forum to meet and develop good relationships with women running similar businesses. It was a treat and an inspiration to meet people who clearly got great satisfaction out of running their businesses over years, even if it involved a lot of hard work.